G Livelab, Puutarhakatu 1, 33100 Tampere

PERUTTU / CANCELLED: The Staples Jr. Singers (US), 14.2.2023


PERUTTU / CANCELLED: The Staples Jr. Singers (US)

Doors: 18:00
Showtime: 19:00

HUOM! Konsertti on valitettavasti jouduttu perumaan artistin/managementin päätöksellä. Alla artistilta/levy-yhtiöltä tullut lausunto, jossa perumisen syitä taustoitetaan. G Livelab Tampere ja Tiketti ovat yhteydessä lipunomistajiin lippupalautuksista sähköpostitse.

Lisätiedot tarvittaessa: [email protected]

"On behalf of the Staples Jr Singers and Luaka Bop we want to apologize to the everyone in Finland and Norway who were hoping to see the Staples Jr Singers this February. We realized we made a mistake accepting so many dates for them when they felt homesick after their very first European tour, that was a week long.

Most times when you work with a group that has a lot of places that want them to appear you can only be ecstatic. But you know the situation with the Staples Jr Singers is a bit different. Not that it's like they are blues performers from the 1940’s, however they had not taken a plane ride until their first European tour last month. They didn’t have passports and for the most part didn’t leave home for more then a few days at a time.

A lot of people in Europe would like to see them, which is amazing and they are incredibly thrilled by this. (In fact they are thrilled to see Europe and now thrilled to get on a plane). But they are not used to being away from home for so long, and it almost never gets below 18 degrees in Mississippi where they are from, (they‘ve never owned winter clothes). We would like them to continue to tour and enjoy touring, we want each tour to not be work for them but instead continue to experience and appreciate the outpouring of love they have felt. We don't want to push them to far and have what has been revelatory to be something they dread. So their tours will have to be pretty short for now and avoid the coldest weather. They will come back, we promise. Thank you and once again we really sincerely apologize."


Soulin ja gospelin kulttinimi The Staples Jr. Singers esiintyy G Livelabissa ensimmäisen Suomen vierailunsa yhteydessä helmikuussa!

Teini-ikäiset sisarukset Annie, A.R.C. ja Edward Brown perustivat The Staples Jr. Singersin Yhdysvaltain Mississippissä 1970-luvulla, jolloin yhä useammat gospel-yhtyeet alkoivat yhdistää musiikkiinsa soulin ja funkin elementtejä. Perhebändi kartutti mainetta esiintymällä koulujen kykykilpailuissa ja erilaisissa pikkutapahtumissa ympäri Yhdysvaltojen raamattuvyöhykettä (”Bible Belt”). Segregaatio oli virallisesti purettu, mutta käytännössä muusikot eivät ikinä tienneet, saisivatko he yleisöltään lämpimän vastaanoton tai tarjoaisivatko paikalliset ravintolat heille ruokaa.

The Staples Jr. Singers levytti ensimmäisen ja viimeiseksi jääneen albuminsa “When We Do We Get Paid” vuonna 1975, jolloin yhtyeen jäsenet olivat vasta 14–16 vuoden iässä. Levyn kappaleissa kuuluvat nuorten muusikoiden vaatimaton elämänkatsomus sekä onnen löytäminen elämän pienistä asioista.

The Staples Jr. Singersin toiminta loppui 1970-luvun lopulla, jolloin sisarukset jakautuivat kahteen eri kokoonpanoon. Pienenä painoksena julkaistu studioalbumi painui unholaan keräilyharvinaisuutena, kunnes se sai vajaat 50 vuotta myöhemmin uuden elämän: Talking Headsin visionäärinä tunnetun David Byrnen levy-yhtiö Luaka Bop julkaisi albumin uudelleenmasteroituna painoksena ja keräsi The Staples Jr. Singersin alkuperäisen kokoonpanon koolle. Muusikoiden taidot eivät olleet päässeet ruostumaan, sillä yhtyeen jäsenet olivat jatkaneet gospel-musiikin esittämistä läpi vuosikymmenten.

The Staples Jr. Singers tekee ensimmäiset esiintymisensä Euroopassa marraskuussa -22, jolloin se konsertoi muun muassa maineikkaalla Le Guess Who? -festivaalilla. Lisää keikkoja on luvassa kevättalvella, jolloin kulttiyhtye saapuu myös Tampereelle.

Vuosikymmenet ovat vierineet ja ajat muuttuneet, mutta Staples Jr. Singersin musiikin erikoisvoima on tallella: se luo lohtua ja antaa voimaa yli synkkien aikojen jaksamiseen.

Mikäli tapahtuma ei ole loppuunmyyty, keikalle myydään opiskelijalippuja ovelta ennen konsertin alkua hintaan 20 € / kpl. Opiskelijalippuihin vaaditaan opiskelijakortti tai muu opiskelutodistus. Konsertti on ikärajaton. Kouluikäiselle alle 18-vuotiaalle lapselle voi hankkia myös opiskelijalipun ovelta, mikäli konsertti ei ole ennakkoon loppuunmyyty. Alle kouluikäiset pääsevät keikoille maksutta.

Kevätkauden 2023 konsertteihin ei tällä hetkellä ole mahdollista tehdä ennakkopaikkavarauksia.



PLEASE NOTE! The concert has been cancelled. Please read the artist's / label's statement concerning the cancellation below. G Livelab Tampere and Tiketti will contact all the ticket owners.

In case you need more info, please contact us: [email protected]

"On behalf of the Staples Jr Singers and Luaka Bop we want to apologize to the everyone in Finland and Norway who were hoping to see the Staples Jr Singers this February. We realized we made a mistake accepting so many dates for them when they felt homesick after their very first European tour, that was a week long.

Most times when you work with a group that has a lot of places that want them to appear you can only be ecstatic. But you know the situation with the Staples Jr Singers is a bit different. Not that it's like they are blues performers from the 1940’s, however they had not taken a plane ride until their first European tour last month. They didn’t have passports and for the most part didn’t leave home for more then a few days at a time.

A lot of people in Europe would like to see them, which is amazing and they are incredibly thrilled by this. (In fact they are thrilled to see Europe and now thrilled to get on a plane). But they are not used to being away from home for so long, and it almost never gets below 18 degrees in Mississippi where they are from, (they‘ve never owned winter clothes). We would like them to continue to tour and enjoy touring, we want each tour to not be work for them but instead continue to experience and appreciate the outpouring of love they have felt. We don't want to push them to far and have what has been revelatory to be something they dread. So their tours will have to be pretty short for now and avoid the coldest weather. They will come back, we promise. Thank you and once again we really sincerely apologize."


Can you be a witness? The Staples Jr. Singers were part of a vanguard of soul gospel artists in the 1970s that broke from tradition to testify with the groove. When they wrote these songs — all of them stone cold soul — they had one question on their minds: When Do We Get Paid?

“We were so strange and we were so young,” said Edward Brown, a singer in the Staples Jr. Singers, “and a lot of people didn’t understand that.”

Like many gospel groups at the time, the Staples Jr. Singers were a family band: Annie, A.R.C., and Edward Brown from Aberdeen, Mississippi. They were just teenagers when they started, in 1971—they named themselves after their idols (the Staple Singers, if we need to spell it out for you)—and they built a reputation by playing school talent shows and front yards near their hometown on the banks of the Tombigbee River, until they eventually began touring with regional acts on the gospel circuit.

Every weekend, they would pile into their family van and travel across the Bible Belt, performing sometimes as many as three shows in a single day. Back then, the South was desegregated on paper but not always in practice, and the Staples Jr. Singers weren’t always sure what kind of welcome they would receive—whether a new audience would embrace them, whether local restaurants would serve them.

The group got their big break in 1975 with their debut album When Do We Get Paid? At the time, Annie was only 14, A.R.C was 15, and Edward was 16—and they drew inspiration straight from their lives.

The Staples Jr. Singers split into two bands in the late 1970’s, and their debut album was forgotten for decades, until almost 50 years later Luaka Bop record company led by Talking Heads visionaire David Byrne released a remaster of the cult album and got the original band to join their forces once more. While the Browns and Caldwells have written an entire catalog of gospel music since the era of When Do We Get Paid, for the Staples Jr. Singers, the incantatory funk of this music still holds the power to help make a way out of dark and troubled times.

This coming year, the original members of the Staples Jr. Singers will be heading on tour to support this release, playing select shows in the U.S. and Europe in 2022-2023, for what will surely be one of the best performances that you’ll see all year.

If the event is not sold out, there will be student tickets available at the door for 20 € each (student tickets not sold online) before the show starts. Please show your student card when purchasing student tickets. The concert has no age limit. Children under school age can enter gigs free of charge.
